Saturday, February 3, 2007

Game review: Rampage:Total Destruction

My first game review for the Wii will be Rampage:total Destruction by Midway. This game is a rehash of the original arcade classic that many dropped a huge number of quarters into during the 80's. The graphics are great, they took lots of time to make the game look fantastic and sound fantastic.... problem is they released the game 1/2 finished. The controls are horrid, they left out the system to enable the other controllers for multi player and trying to steer your monster is a major pain in the rear! they did stupid decisions like not use the nunchuk for control and made you aim the Wii remote in a direction you want the monster to go, this almost never EVER works. and you are left getting frustrated as you can not aim your monster to where he needs to be.

I give this game a : DO NOT BUY rating. I would not even buy it in the $9.99 bargain bin as it is unplayable. It feels like they spent all their time making it look pretty and work for the other game consoles and then slapped together the wii controls and released it unfinished.

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