Sunday, December 2, 2007

REVIEW: Splinter Cell Double Agent

I'm a fan of strategy games. I also love many of the "Tom Clancy" franchise of games. But, I have only played them on the PC because honestly the controls on Consoles simply sucked for fine control games. Even a newbie with a PC can kick the butt of an experienced Console player because of the crappy controls. I looke at this title with excitement as I have seen both on Raving Rabbits and Metroid the Wii finally rules with fine control on shooters.

I was dissapointed. The game programmers did not even try to make the controls as good as they could be. They instead made it feel like I was using an old Gamecube controller causing frustration. Secondly they did not even try to make good graphics. My old gamecube game 007 everything or Nothing looks far better than this Wii game.

This game gets 1.5 stars for failure of control design and the graphics are pretty cruddy. It's worth $15.95 in the bargain bin. Anything more and you will be disappointed with it.